Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Week 2 : Blogs

Hello, and welcome back to Learning 2.0! This week we will take a look at our first Web 2.0 technology : blogs. As mentioned in week 1, WCPL already has two blogs available for patrons: our teen blog and the Wake Reads Together blog.

If blogs are new to you, this section is meant to get you up-to-speed. I am going to assume that you know nothing about blogs. This may or may not be the case, but it will make my job simpler. So please, if all this stuff is old hat to you, just be patient. Soon you will be old hat, though: reading blogs, commenting, maybe even creating your own blogs!

In fact, you are reading a blog right now! Look at you! And away we go…

#3 Discover what blogs are.

#4 Explore some blogs and post your first comments! Maybe even create your own blog...

Hopefully now you're feeling pretty comfortable with blogs. Did you remember to post a comment for Thing #4 so we'll know you completed this section?

Next week we'll take a look at RSS and newsreaders. Think that sounds like geekspeak? Don't worry, these are cool tools which will help you keep track of all the great blogs you found this week.

Thanks to Kathleen @ ERL for contributing this week's Learning 2.o content and a belated thanks to Druie @ NOR for her contributions to week 1.


Anonymous said...

I would love to set up a blog here @ ERL for our craft club.
Nicole Ealy @ ERL

Anonymous said...

I put off doing this one because I thought it was going to be time-consuming. But it was much easier and faster than I thought it would be. I had so much fun searching the blogs available through Bloglines!

Sue Scott @ CAM