Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Week 4 : Photos and Images

This week at WCPL Learning 2.0 we're going to take a look at photos and images, focusing on the many things you can do with these two online tools: Flickr and Picnik.

Let's get to it!

#7 Explore Flickr and Picnik

Next week we'll have a "play week" where you have a chance to take a look at some interesting Web 2.0 sites, just for fun, and have a chance to catch up on the previous weeks of Learning 2.0.

Thanks to Jason @ CAM for his contributions to this week's Learning 2.0 content.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Adult Summer Reading program has a Flickr site! It will be updated, of course, when the program kicks off...

Here's the URL: