Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week 6 : Tagging/Social Bookmarking

Thanks for coming back for another installment of Learning 2.0. This week we take up another Web 2.0 topic : tagging and social bookmarking. In the past few weeks, we’ve already explored a few sites – Flickr and LibraryThing to name two --that allow users to take advantage of tagging. This week we'll focus on del.icio.us, a social bookmarking manager which allows you to keep track of your bookmarks online and add tags to categorize the bookmarks. Many users find that the real attraction of del.icio.us is the social network aspect, which allows you to see how others have tagged similar links and also discover other websites that may be of interest to you.

#9 Discover tagging and social bookmarking with del.icio.us

Join us again next week when we will learn about video sharing with YouTube.

Thanks to Nathan @ CAM for contributing this week's Learning 2.0 content.


Marci said...

Ok, I've finally gotten a del.ico.us acct and the first bookmark I've saved is one on a self service automated library kiosk.

Marci @ Duraleigh Rd.

Anonymous said...

All the tagging really appeals to the librarian in me. I love labeling and indexing things!

Sue Scott @ CAM